Our November meeting will be a presentation from Keith Vinning of PilotAware on advances in electronic conspicuity interoperability. All welcome – let your flying friends know: BAWA 19:30 Tuesday November 7.

A Member Club of the Light Aircraft Association
Our November meeting will be a presentation from Keith Vinning of PilotAware on advances in electronic conspicuity interoperability. All welcome – let your flying friends know: BAWA 19:30 Tuesday November 7.
Another of the excellent Gasco safety evenings has been arranged for the 3rd October 2023 at the Bawa Club in Filton. Further details to be advised but all are welcome.
We will be enjoying listening to Jeremy Liber talking about his flying experiences, leading from a PPL to becoming a fully paid-up Hurricane pilot! Without wanting to eat all of Jeremy’s sandwiches, I can tell you that he learnt to fly on Tiger Moths at Cambridge, runs an aerospace consultancy specialising in design and certification, and has well over 2000 hrs in a very wide range of aircraft types.
To find out more, come along to BAWA Room 4, 19:30, 4th April.
On Tuesday 7th February we will hear how in 2020, Fiona and Angus Macaskill achieved the Guinness World Record for the number of airfields visited in 12 hours.
We will gather at BAWA in Room 4 at 19:30 and the talk will start at 19:45.
The bar will be open so do charge your glasses and support the venue.
The January meeting will primarily review the excellent feedback from members as to the future direction of the Strut and consider the proposals shared by the Chairman in his December email.
The meeting will be held on Zoom, Tuesday 17th January – in order to include as many members as possible in the discussion – and an invitation will be sent out very soon.
Next months meeting on Tuesday the 6th December will be an informal meal and get together at a pub in Henleaze. For further details and information, and to confirm your attendance, please email Neville at chairman@bristolstrut.uk
We look forward to seeing you there.
Bristol Aero Talks are resuming their talks programme:.
Our first talk will look at an exciting project by ZeroAvia to permit zero-emmision aviation through the use of green hydrogen. Gabriele Teofili (Head of Aircraft Integration and Testing) and Ben Gladston (Lead Recruitment Specialist) will provide us with a review of ZeroAvia’s activities and future plans. This talk will be held at 7:15 pm on Thursday October 20th at Aerospace Bristol in the Making Studio.
There is no charge for the meeting but a voluntary donation (£2 has been suggested in the past) would be welcomed to cover expenses.
http://bristolaerotalks.co.uk for more information.
Strut member Chris Wright is Chairman of the RAeS GA Group and will tell us about the work of the Group, which aims to promote all forms of GA activity through lectures, conferences and design competitions.
The meeting will take place at 19:30 on Tuesday 4th October at
BAWA, Room 4, 589 Southmead Road, Filton BS34 7RG
We start our new season of Strut activities with the AGM on 6th September, at 19:45 in BAWA Room 4. Members should by now have received the calling notice and Agenda.
As usual we will try to keep essential business short, and then hear about what you have been doing over the summer.
For the following meeting on October 4th, our own Chris Wright, Chairman of the Royal Aeronautical Society’s General Aviation Group will tell us about the Group’s activities.
Following last year’s successful (apart from the result!) skittles match against the Bristol Aero Club, we have arranged another booking at BAWA for Saturday 19 November.
And lastly, for the moment, we hope to have a Saturday morning visit (date to be announced) to Retro Track & Air at Dursley.
We don’t have a guest speaker this month, but plan a general chat
evening with a few subjects of local importance or interest:
Join GAsCo’s airspace infringement avoidance webinar on Monday 7 March (19:00) for an hour and a half of information, tips, suggestions and quizzes.
Register online for free: Airspace Infringement Avoidance Webinar
Monthly figures for reported airspace infringements and Airspace Infringement Team decisions are regularly updated on the Airspace & Safety Initiative website. January and February 2022 decisions are now published.
A reminder that for our next meeting on Tuesday 1st March we invite you to talk about your aircraft rather than what you have been doing with it.
Amongst us we have quite a range of aircraft – classic/modern, microlight/motorglider, SSEA. Let’s share information on capabilities and virtues.
There will be a laptop available for displaying images from data sticks.The meeting will take place at 19:30, BAWA Room 4
589 Southmead Road, Filton BS34 7RG.
For this month, given the location of our speaker, we are reverting to Zoom.
Paul Hendry-Smith, Managing Director of The Light Aircraft Company (TLAC), will be talking about The Light Aircraft Company (TLAC) electric Kub project. The airframe is essentially the same as the Kub tested by Pilot magazine in August 2019, but with the 50hp Hirth F-23 two-stroke air-cooled flat-twin replaced by an electric motor. The eKub is currently being built as a prototype working within a consortium of other organisations under the EnabEl project which falls within the Innovate UK future flight challenge.
The company announced that ‘the intention is to roll it out both in self-build kit form and as a factory-build option’. The eKub is expected to offer low noise and zero emissions, and easy charging with the potential of using solar energy. With a full charge, the flight time is projected to be one hour with fifteen minutes of reserves.
TLAC, whose strapline is ‘Nothing but Aviation’, are based at Little Snoring airfield in Norfolk, and are the producers of the Sherwood Ranger and Scout aircraft, as well as the Kub, and also provide a wide range of other aviation services.
The Zoom meeting is on Tuesday 1st February commencing 19:30; login details will be circulated separately to Strut members. Any non-member wishing to join us, please let Neville or Trevor know at the email addresses on our Contact Us page.