LAA 75th Anniversary Fly-It Day: Tuesday 26th October


Tuesday 26th October 1946 was the date of the meeting which inaugurated the Ultra-Light Aircraft Association, which subsequently became the LAA.

This year, on Tuesday 26th October 2021, the LAA want to mark the 75th Anniversary with a day upon which as many pilots, members or not, simply to get out their aircraft and fly.

For more information click:

November Meeting – The Grand Parton Flying Tour

Our Treasurer Neville Parton and daughter Hannah entered the Pooley’s Dawn to Dusk competition in June – the aim being to “undertake a day’s flying with an original and praiseworthy objective”. They flew over or landed at 28 RAF stations where 4 generations of the family had served. Neville and Hannah will tell us about the planning, last-minute changes and the successful but tiring flights.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday 2nd November 2021, 19:30 at BAWA Room 4, 589 Southmead Road, Filton BS34 7RG.

June Meeting – Flight Research at the Royal Aircraft Establishment Bedford

Barry Tomlinson, C Eng, FRAeS

RAE Bedford was the UK government’s centre for advanced flight and wind tunnel research in military and civil aviation from 1952-2001. Its role was to conduct aeronautical research & development on behalf of Government for the benefit of the British aircraft industry.

This talk on the 1st June will describe some of its programmes and major achievements, including Naval Aviation, Automatic Landing in Fog, Vertical Take-Off and Landing, and Concorde.

The Zoom meeting will open at 19:30 on Tuesday 1st June 2021. Instructions for joining the meeting will be sent separately to Strut and BAC members; if non-members wish to join us please contact our Treasurer and Zoom host Neville Parton in advance at and he will send joining details.

May Meeting – Microlight from Kiev

For our Zoom meeting on 4 May we are joined again by Steve Slade and Ed Clapham.
In 1988, before the breakup of the Soviet Union, they took part in a surprising international microlight rally from Kiev to Odessa. A chance to peek behind the Iron Curtain! 

The Zoom meeting will open at 19:30 on Tuesday 4th May 2021. Instructions for joining the meeting will be sent separately to Strut and BAC members; if non-members of either group wish to join us please contact our Treasurer and Zoom host Neville Parton in advance at and he will send joining details.

April Meeting – RAF Voyager: An Overview

The Airbus A330 Tanker aircraft entered RAF Service in April 2012. This presentation by Geoff Simpson provides an overview of the civil derivative aircraft that provides UK military Air to Air Refuelling to the RAF and NATO allies around the globe.

The Zoom meeting will open at 19:30 on Tuesday 6th April 2021. Instructions for joining the meeting will be sent separately to Strut and BAC members; if non-members of either group wish to join us please contact our Treasurer and Zoom host Neville Parton in advance at and he will send joining details.

Next Meeting – Preventing Airspace Infringements

For the March meeting our speaker is Rob Gratton, airspace infringement lead at the CAA, on the subject of ‘Preventing airspace infringements in the UK’. You may have met Rob in the CAA tent at the Rally in recent years.

Recent CAA rejection of several Airspace Change proposals (on grounds including failing to take full account of all airspace users) has been encouraging; we can also play our part by avoiding infringements.   

The Zoom meeting will open at 19:30 on Tuesday 2nd March 2021. Instructions for joining the meeting will be sent separately to Strut and BAC members; if non-members of either group wish to join us please contact our Treasurer and Zoom host Neville Parton in advance at and he will send joining details.

Next Meeting – I Learned About Flying From That

This will be an opportunity to share with our strut members any lessons learned from your flying experiences (there’s no need to be embarrassed—we’ve all had something happen or done something which we wish we’d rather forget!)  

The Zoom meeting will open at 19:30 on Tuesday 2nd February 2021. Instructions for joining the meeting will be sent separately to Strut members; if non-members wish to join us please contact our Treasurer and Zoom host Neville Parton in advance at and he will send joining details.

Next Meeting – Review of the year 2020!

This will be the opportunity to tell us about what you have – or have not – achieved in 2020, or your plans for 2021. 

The Zoom meeting will open at 19:30 on Tuesday 5th January 2021. Instructions for joining the meeting will be sent separately to Strut members; if non-members wish to join us please contact our Treasurer and Zoom host Neville Parton in advance at and he will send joining details.

RAeS GA Light Aircraft Design Conference (Web based) Monday November 16

The theme is Electrifying General Aviation with a good range of speakers including Rolls-Royce on the ACCEL speed record aircraft programme – due to fly this year, E-Racers and Gliders, Faradair, Pipistrel who have successful electric trainer and more in the pipeline. Design Competition winners will also be announced. The Design competition is for an eVTOL Humanitarian vehicle to operate across Caribbean islands. There are some excellent submissions.

There is more information on the conference here.

Chris Wright, chair of the Royal Aeronautical Society’s General Aviation group, previews technology-driven potential and challenges for the Light Aviation sector here.

Next Meeting – Aerial Sightseeing in Australia

Because of COVID restrictions our next meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. We see the return of Fiona and Angus Macaskill, this time with an account of their aerial sightseeing in Australia.

The meeting will open at 19:30 on Tuesday 3rd November with the talk starting at 19:45. Instructions for joining the meeting will be sent separately to Strut members; if non-members wish to join us please contact our Treasurer and Zoom host Neville Parton in advance at and he will send joining details.

Next Meeting – Wings at War

Because of COVID restrictions our next meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Chris Bigg, local historian who has worked in the aviation industry for over 40 years and has previously talked to us about local topics such as the Brabazon, is returning to relate the story of the Bristol Aeroplane Company during World War II.

The meeting will open at 19:30 on Tuesday 6th October with the talk starting at 19:45. Instructions for joining the meeting will be sent separately to Strut members; if non-members wish to join us please contact our Treasurer and Zoom host Neville Parton in advance at and he will send joining details.

AGM – September 2020

The next meeting of the Strut is the Annual General Meeting, on Tuesday 8 September, starting at 19:45. Because of Covid-19 limitations, this meeting will be held through the medium of Zoom. Logon details for the meeting have been sent by email to all Strut members; if for some reason you have not received yours, please contact one of the committee through the addresses on our Contacts page.