Membership is open to anyone with a love of aviation be they pilots or aviation enthusiasts.
You do not need to be a Light Aircraft Association member to become a Strut member so we are an inexpensive way to both enjoy talks on aviation and meet fellow enthusiasts.
Come along to a meeting, and if you like what you see, complete our Membership Application form below.
Where do we meet?
Our meetings are held jointly with Bristol Aero Club at BAWA the old British Aerospace Welfare Association facility on Southmead Road, Filton in Bristol. We currently meet on the first Tuesday of each month (except July/August) at 19:45 in Room 4.
Address : 589 Southmead Road, Filton, Bristol, BS34 7RG

What do we do?
A Strut evening will typically consist of a talk by a guest speaker followed by general discussion. BAWA has a well stocked bar. Examples of previous speakers can be found in our newsletter archive.
In between these talks, we hold ‘members evenings’ where discussions take place about all things aeronautical, with the occasional slide show.