Aerospace Bristol, Saturday 23rd November 2019, 11am
A tips and tricks seminar for existing users of the SkyDemon app for planning and navigation – Rob Hart from SkyDemon will discuss the intended workflow of the system, and will highlight some useful features which are perhaps less well known.
Seminar starts at 11am, and will be in the lecture theatre in the Concorde building. The museum opens at 10am, and refreshments / lunch can be purchased in the museum café.
There is no cost to attend the seminar, but all those attending will have to purchase a museum admission ticket, either a group ticket for the day at £12, or an annual ticket at £16.50 for adults or £14.50 for over 65s, unless of course you already have a valid annual ticket.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their tablets with Sky Demon loaded
In the afternoon Concorde tours will be arranged for anybody who is interested.